A police officer in Bowling Green, Ky., was refused entry into a Chuck E. Cheese because of the restaurant's no-guns policy.

After discussing this with a co-worker and reading online comments on this story, I guess I must be the only person who thinks it's actually cool that Chuck E. Cheese does NOT want to see people bring their open-carry guns into their place.

*steps on soapbox*

We have a Chuck E. Cheese restaurant right down the road from us in Tri-Cities, and I know a lot of parents travel there from Yakima with their young kids all the time.

Chuck E. Cheese is well-known up and down the country as being a place that is SPECIFICALLY a place that you bring your kids, and parents know to take a couple of aspirins before they head into the place where kids' voices squeal and reach decibels at such levels that will turn your hair gray.

The thought of what could happen if that gun got into the wrong hands or accidentally went off inside of a Chuck E. Cheese ... it's just straight up FRIGHTENING! The possibilities for unnecessary death are endless.

I am all for the right to bear arms (when it's legal), but please don't bring your "open carry" guns into Chuck E. Cheese, or any other place where mobs of children will be present.

*steps off soapbox*

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