As video games become more and more mainstream, so are eSports? What is eSports? Short for Electronic Sports, it's basically a video game competition, but with real money and prizes at steak -- and it's growing more than you would think.

Gone are the days of playing Street Fighter 2 with friends in your bedroom or those late night Goldeneye sessions for Nintendo 64, eSports is taking today's games and turning regular gamers into superstars.

It will only be a matter of time before we start seeing this big gaming competitions on TV right along side Monday Night Football. Peter Guber, co-owner of the Dodgers and Warriors even said that eSports was the future of sports.

The people at FrontierBundles put together a map of game is most popular in eSports. Leave it to Washington state to be unique to the rest of the states as we're playing DOTA 2, apparently. Popular games like Halo, Overwatch, League of Legends and others make this list for other states.

As most businesses are shrinking, video games are growing and with eSports, it may just be something to watch out for.

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