All month long we have your chance at $1,000 twice a day with Kanye's Kash. That got me thinking. If I could win $1,000, what crazy thing could I do with that money? Maybe something I've always wanted to buy or do but never had the funds to do so. Here's just a few ideas I had.

Buy Every Seat in a Theater
I'm not sure if you can rent out a theater at our local movie theaters, but if I simply buy every seat for a specific showing then I can talk out loud and text while watching all I want.

Swimming Pool Full of Jello
When I was younger I thought it'd be fun to fill a swimming pool full of jello. Although I wouldn't need to do a full-sized pool, a kiddie pool would work just fine. This dream isn't as enticing anymore, but my kids would love it.

Wristbands for 40
When it's Central Washington State Fair season, I'd simply buy 40 wristbands and hand them out to kids as they walked through the gates.

Rent a Snow-Making Machine
I know we're just getting used to warmer days but come the middle of summer wouldn't it be fun to have a snowball fight? I'd rent one of those giant machines that makes snow and do just that.

Oil Drum Full of M&Ms
Again, my dream; not yours. I'd have a giant drum of M&Ms to grab a handful whenever I needed. I'm not sure how long they'd last, but it'd be a sight to see.

What about you? What would you do with $1,000? Listen twice a day for your chance to win and get in on $10,000 in the meantime.

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