I recently had to get lab work done. They drew blood, put this make-shift band-aid on me and send me on my way. Not once has everyone ever told me how long to leave it on for.

Phlebotomists (the ones who take your blood) have never, once, told me to leave it on all day or said it was okay to take off in half an hour or anything. So, like an idiot, I usually just walk around with it all day like I'm some proud patient who didn't cry this time by getting poked with a needle.

Is there a set time? I'm not sure. From when this photo was taken, I ended up just taking it off after about 10 minutes from getting it done. I was fine. But there have been times where I'd even leave it on overnight. I mean, after all, they poked a vein to draw blood. For all I know that piece of gauze is the only thing keeping me from bleeding out like a leaky faucet.

How long do you leave it on for? Tell us in the comments.

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