
No-name nachos
No-name nachos
No-name nachos
More and more companies are using their audience — their customers — to name their products for them. I still think it's lazy as they don't even know what to call their new flavors, but we can at least have a bit of fun trying something original and see what the taste reminds us of. I grabbed a bag of Doritos Jacked Test Flavor: 404. Here's what I think.
Doritos Commercial from Yakima
Doritos Commercial from Yakima
Doritos Commercial from Yakima
I'd be as bold as to say just as many, if not more, people watch the Super Bowl for it's commercials than the actual football game, itself. This year, Doritos decided to let the fans make a commercial to submit to win. It turns out one of the commercials is from Brice in Yakima. Let's vote for this one and make it a win for both Brice and for Yakima.