
Octomom Back on Welfare
Octomom Back on Welfare
Octomom Back on Welfare
Octomom has been slow to learn what many parents know all too well: Kids are expensive, especially when you have more than a dozen of them. Proving the point? She's back on welfare.
War of the Witless
War of the Witless
War of the Witless
Forget President Obama vs. Mitt Romney and their trite discussions of health care, job creation and the plight of the middle class. Octomom, nee Nadya Suleman, has abandoned her thriving career in creepy soft-core porn and is now America's foremost debater.
You’ve Been Warned! The Octomom Has Recorded Her First Single
You’ve Been Warned! The Octomom Has Recorded Her First Single
You’ve Been Warned! The Octomom Has Recorded Her First Single
Nadya Suleman has been doing everything she can to remain relevant in the spotlight since she earned her infamous nickname “the Octomom.” She jumped in the boxing ring. She took a twirl on the stripper pole. She even stepped in front of the camera to shoot an adult film. Now she’s back, and instead of assaulting your vision, this time she’s after your ears as well.