sick day

It's on them
It's on them
It's on them
Every office has that one employee. That one who refuses to go home when they're sick. The one who comes to work, coughing and sneezing and, inevitably getting everyone else sick. When this happens, I honestly believe if they got you sick, then your sick days should come from their allotment.
Sometimes You Just Have To Take A ‘Sick Day’ From Work, Even If You Don’t Want To
Sometimes You Just Have To Take A ‘Sick Day’ From Work, Even If You Don’t Want To
Sometimes You Just Have To Take A ‘Sick Day’ From Work, Even If You Don’t Want To
I am always on the go, doing multiple things at once is a daily feature of my life in many roles. For me, those roles include Mom, Employee, Board Member, Concerned Citizen, and Budding Entrepreneur. Just like the rest of the world, I take whatever good or bad things that happen in life and just let it roll off my back like water...