I never put anything in our company's refrigerator for a reason: It will end up sitting there for days (maybe even weeks) because I'll forget I put it in there.

It appears that a lot of my coworkers have also forgotten they have items in the fridge.


Hidden away from humanity inside our company's fridge, I saw:

  • A whole bag of Reese's Peanut Butter cups in the freezer.
  • Some popsicles that have been in there so long, they are completely iced over.
  • At least three containers of sour cream.
  • A tub of hummus.
  • An assortment of coconut milk.
  • A blueberry pie (is that mold on it?)
  • Some flat soda pop (unopened).
  • A big thing of lemon juice.
  • Twenty (count 'em, 20) singles of processed cheese.
  • And so much more.

But two items stood out from the pack of forgotten junk currently residing and taking up space in our company fridge, two items with names written on them: Aimee has a cute little carton of orange juice and Penny has sharpied (real word?) her name on a sweet little cup of yogurt.


I decided to hold Aimee's orange juice for ransom in exchange for some chocolate. I put this note on her chair in her cubicle, but wouldn't you know it? Of all the days in the world, Aimee has the day off, so my prank has been foiled from the beginning!


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