Jennette McCurdy doesn't think she's a role model, and today, she wanted to make that point very clear.
The former 'Sam & Cat' star surprised fans by making an appearance on the '/r/jennettemccurdy' reddit forum and wrote a candid post about how her impressionable young fans should think of her.
On Saturday night (July 12), a new episode of 'Sam & Cat' titled '#WeStealARockstar' aired on Nickelodeon, which was the next-to-last episode of the show that had been produced. When the Season 1 finale '#GettinWiggy' airs this Thursday, July 17, all signs point that it will be the show's final episode, according to TV Series Finale.
You probably know Jennette McCurdy best as 'Sam' in iCarly and the new Nickelodeon show Sam and Cat. She's also very popular on Vine doing quick 6 second nuggets of comedy. My 8-year-old daughter is a huge fan so we follow her on Vine which means I have to wade through all of her videos of which she uploads a few every day. This one, I thought, was pretty funny so I wanted to share it with you. He