I'm not sure what happened, but yesterday I had a pretty sore feeling in my ear. I figured it was just an ear infection and could probably get antibiotics for it. That was until I saw what my ear looked like in the mirror. Can you tell which ear is infected?

Earlier today I saw my doctor about it. Because of how I was positioned, she didn't notice anything wrong until she told me to have a seat on the bed.


Yeah, that exclamation didn't make me feel any better. After poking my face for a bit, it seems I also have an infection in my jaw. Great! My hear hurts and my jaw hurts and I work at a job that requires me to talk and wear headphones. Wonderful.

It felt even worse when she looked at it for a second and went to grab another doctor to also take a peek.

They're both thinking (hoping) it's just an infection and are treating it as such. If the swelling doesn't go down, they're going to look at getting x-rays.

I'll keep you posted.

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