Research company 4com did a survey of a group of British workers to find out how much of a potty mouth their fellow co-workers had. On average, a worker will hear 11 swear words from their colleagues every single work day. But which words are the U.K.'s favorites? Here's the break down of the most commonly used slurs & cuss words a British workplace.

  1. F**k – 68%
  2. S**t – 58%
  3. B****y – 35%
  4. B******s – 31%
  5. P*** Off- 30%
  6. B*****d – 29%
  7. T**t – 24%
  8. A******e – 22%
  9. D**k – 21%
  10. B***h – 20%
  11. W****r – 20%
  12. C**t – 19%
  13. A**e – 15%
  14. C**k – 11%
  15. S**t – 9%

If you can't figure out what the word is... then you're a good person, and probably a great worker!

Office Party

When asked why we swear so much, especially at work, psychotherapist and founder of The Luna Hive, Dr. Jo Gee says how:

“Studies suggest swearing can be beneficial, as the process of swearing is often cathartic, letting out pent up emotion, as well as aiding storytelling or jokes. Perceptions of those who swear are also more likely to be linked to the words ‘honest’ and ‘credible’."

All I can say is, only 11 swear words a day... 55 a week? Those are rookie numbers! God Bless Mother F***in' America!

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