
Where to film movies in Washington
Where to film movies in Washington
Where to film movies in Washington
Hollywood is on the search to start filming in live set locations again, and Washington has been trying to convince them to do it here. So we found 5 perfect locations for filming a movie inside Washington State.
The goal with any society is to get better at stuff, to learn from mistakes and evolve, gradually, over time, to become the best version of itself. But for all the woke baes and social justice awareness out there, it looks like movies still have a long way to go. A new study has found that white men still get the most dialogue in today’s cinema, and women and minorities are still often relegated to stereotypical, nonessential roles.
Bizarre Baby Names
Bizarre Baby Names
Bizarre Baby Names
  We asked the question this morning on the most unique baby names you have heard of.  You all had some great answers and there were definitely unique (unique actually being one of the names!) names!  In light of the recent reports that Kim and Kanye did in fact name their baby "North West", I decided to also remind you of some other unique, or bizarre, baby names that celebrities have c

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