
Five Things We Did As Kids – And Still Do Today
Five Things We Did As Kids – And Still Do Today
Five Things We Did As Kids – And Still Do Today
The other day I saw my daughter doing something very kid like. She is a kid, after all. I remembered when I used to do some of the things she does now and then say to myself "wait a minute, I still do that today." Here's a short list of things I used to do but you can still catch me doing these usually when nobody is looking....
Dog Tries to Play Fetch With Lazy Twin Babies [VIDEO]
Dog Tries to Play Fetch With Lazy Twin Babies [VIDEO]
Dog Tries to Play Fetch With Lazy Twin Babies [VIDEO]
When this dog was a puppy, he was playing fetch like it was his birth right. Meanwhile, all these babies want to do is sit by the pool on their weak, underdeveloped muscles, sucking on their fingers like they’re covered in Similac. Come on babies, doggie wants to play!