Power Rangers

Just look natural
Just look natural
Just look natural
I really wish the new posters for Lionsgate’s Power Rangers came with a behind the scenes video from the photoshoot. What, exactly, did the photographer tell the cast of young actors as they laid across green screens showing off their Ranger costumes atop their Zords like dystopic models brooding in a fall fashion editorial? There were probably lots of adjectives thrown around like, “moody,” “wistful,” “sexy,” “stern,” or to the women: “stick your chests out more because those costumes definitely don’t emphasize female body parts enough.”
New ‘Power Rangers’ Movie Reveals Official and Totally Familiar Synopsis
New ‘Power Rangers’ Movie Reveals Official and Totally Familiar Synopsis
New ‘Power Rangers’ Movie Reveals Official and Totally Familiar Synopsis
Whether you were a true blue fan or had even the most casual understanding of the Power Rangers series, then the official synopsis for the new movie will sound incredibly familiar to you. Not only will the upcoming reboot maintain the classic character names and designations from original series, but the basic plot is also mostly the same. Oh, but there’s one more thing: Apparently this film isn’t simply titled Power Rangers; it’s Saban’s Power Rangers. Check yourself accordingly.