river ridge golf course

This Friday Is ‘Treat Your Broke Co-Worker To Lunch Day’
This Friday Is ‘Treat Your Broke Co-Worker To Lunch Day’
This Friday Is ‘Treat Your Broke Co-Worker To Lunch Day’
I just love it when co-workers treat me to lunch! That happened to me the other day. Myself and a few other co-workers trekked out to Selah for lunch at River Ridge Golf Course and ordered to my heart's content. It took me about 10 minutes to finally make a decision about what to eat, and I was taken aback by the "Soylent Green" item on the menu...
Selah's secret oasis
Selah's secret oasis
Selah's secret oasis
We happened onto an unexpected little surprise in Selah the other day: River Ridge Golf Course. Not because of the golfing (no surprise there: it's a great course in a beautiful setting), but because the restaurant and bar stands with the best dining in town...