You probably consider yourself a law-abiding citizen, but stop a think a minute. How many of these rules have you broken -- or at least bent?

1.  Speeding.

2.  Having sex in a public place.

3.  Littering.

4.  Illegally downloading music, TV shows, or movies.

5.  Taking stuff from a hotel room.

6.  Taking recreational drugs.

7.  Parking in a "no parking" zone.

8.  Texting while driving.

We are kings and queens of our own world. Sometimes even running a red light or stop light isn't a big deal. Which of the 8 Common Laws do you break? Disclaimer:  I am not law enforcement. And please let us know if you know anyone in your family or group of friends who break any of these eight rules. You can bet I am no angel. (WINK WINK!)

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