No doubt that the Yakima Herald-Republic is the newspaper of choice in Yakima. You can ask anyone in town and they can tell you where to find the movie listings, when the local entertainment section comes, what day has the best ads and so much more. It'd been a staple of most people's doorsteps in the morning and has provided many kids, including myself, with their first paying job being a paperboy when I was 12. There are a few sections I wish they would have, or showcase more. Here's what I'd love to see in the Yakima Herald-Republic.

Video Game Section

Video games use to be a closet thing for kids, but it's now a billion dollar industry even trumping the movie industry. People are buying video games all the time and are usually featured as the #1 most sought after item during the Christmas season so why not have a page once a week dedicated to what games are hot and which ones you should avoid? I would even write it!

Recipes - Lots of Recipes
I see a recipe every once in a while and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm not sure if they're reader submitted or from some national service, but I'd love a reader submitted section for recipes every day. Like the soup of the day, different days can have different themes. Monday for sandwiches, Tuesday for meat dishes, ect. Might be fun and a way to get those old recipes passed down through generations.

Local Celebrity Spotlight
And when I say 'celebrity', I don't mean Kyle McLaughlin - thought that would be cool. I mean just to highlight, once a week, someone in the community for something good that they did. Someone raised so much money for their charity or someone won an award for their school or just some random person helped some ducks safely across the street. some of this is already happening, but even the small stuff deserves a pat on the back to those people.

Health Violations
sure, we'll hear about a place when they close down, but I wouldn't mind hearing about a place that scored low in a health inspection. It doesn't mean I'll stop eating there, those tests are like any kind of test. If you test poorly, they'll teach you what you need to do to get a better grade, just like school. I'm always curious about that kind of stuff.

Highlights on Free Stuff
Apps, Coupons and so much more. We have access to all of these free things and we don't need to buy if we could only find them. showcase and spotlight a few apps every week, maybe a few e-books that are free downloads on Kindle or coupons of places in town that offer free items, that'd get people to read.

Maybe you have some ideas? List them below. Who knows, maybe your idea will get turned into a new article or section of the newspaper - or we can do it right here on!


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