Teddy Bears are the foundation of childhood, they become our best friends, in times of happiness, stress, and need. A good amount of us have stuffed animals and teddy bears just taking up closet space.

Why not donate them to a good cause, there are a few spots around the Yakima Valley where you can donate your stuffed animals and teddy bears to a child in need. So we made a list just for you.

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Yakima Fire Department

Fire departments have always taken in stuffed animals and teddy bears for kids who lose everything. A house fire is unexpected and no one can imagine the loss of a house fire unless they've had their own. Losing all of your personal belongings or worse a family member can bring the weight of the world crashing down on you. Oddly enough a teddy bear goes a long way, especially to a child who lost so much.

YWCA Yakima

YWCA helps families all around the Yakima Valley, and raises awareness of abuse in the household, many people seek refuge at YWCA when dealing with abuse in the home. Children of all ages witness the terror and are marked for life with those fears. YWCA offers any form of comfort they can provide, and sometimes for a kid whose seen far too much, a teddy bear is just what they need.

Yakima Toys for Tots

Yakima Toys for Tots does a lot of amazing work in the community, not only do they help less fortunate families celebrate. They also help families in need in other ways including other holidays. Families can reach out and find help for their children with Toys For Tots.

KEEP LOOKING: See what 50 company logos looked like then and now

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