Celebrating National Cereal Day with my 10 Favorite Cereals of All Time
I love breakfast cereal. I always have my entire life. Though I mostly use it now as a late night snack, I usually have a few boxes of something, usually sugar-filled, in my pantry. Here are my 10 favorite breakfast cereals of all time (in no particular order).
Frosted Flakes
A traditional stand-by. I almost always have this stuff and, best of all, the off-brand tastes the same.
Frosted Mini-Wheats
It has to be Kellogg's brand or nothing on this one. I like it because I feel like it fills me up longer.
Cracklin' Oat Bran
Probably my favorite cereal of all time, but it's never on sale!
Ice Cream Cones
This one came out in the mid-80s. They don't make it anymore, but it was chocolate or vanilla balls with ice cream cone shaped pieces as well. It was great.
Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Another favorite that you can't go wrong.
Apple Jacks
Cinnamon Life
As far as I'm concerned, the only life and probably the best cinnamon cereal on the market.
Batman (1989)
Came out when the movie game out. A little like Cap'n Crunch in the shapes of Batman symbols but extra sweet.
Honey Graham Oh's
Kind of like bigger Cheerio's with stuff inside. It's fantastic.
Fruity Pebbles
Although it's so light I could probably eat the entire box in one sitting, the fruit flavor packs a punch.