Cheers! A Toast To A WA Mask Milestone-Coming Off 3/12
And so in the Year Of Our Lord, 20-22, in the evergreen lands of the great Pacific Northwest, it came to pass that an emissary of His Royal Highness (HRH) Jay "Jab or Else" Inslee, sent forth from the parapet of his Olympian Castle walls to both serfs and vassals alike, a message of hope, restoration. and facial recognition.

The King Has Spoken
Hear Ye One and All --The STATE mask mandates, perpetrated on us all by science - but for our own good- despite the claims of some in science that they wouldst do little good -shall and will be removed upon the coming of March the 21st and the...eh, what's that? Not the 21st? You're kidding! Your NOT ...kidding? Odds bodkins? Did the science shift with the rising of the tide? What strange and otherworldly pressures were brought to bear?
Ok, Ok, just go with it.
Rolling Ahead On Mask Removal
Hear Ye One and All --The STATE mask mandates, perpetrated on us all by science - for our own good- will hereby and henceforth be rescinded at 11:59 pm on Friday Night March 11th! Why? Why not....
Let the business community choose its own path to prosperity. Let the school children rejoice with unmuffled glee. Let the field trips and assemblies resume by those who feel comfortable and so inclined. Let the....(shut up Dave and let the numbers do the talking...)
Declining Caseload Carries The Day
Governor Inslee - he of the yet to be relinquished all-inclusive emergency powers - says the decline in cases, coupled with a new recommendation from the ever viscous CDC prompted the change in plans to his change in plans.
Yakima County cases declined from 1,521 per 100,000 people two weeks ago to a modest 482 cases per 100,000 this week. Hospitalizations dropped in the County by half from 55 two weeks ago to 25 this week.
The Lord of the Realm does remind us all that the pandemic is still not over and the most vulnerable amongst us should still take all appropriate precautions.
Be kind, courteous, convivial, and congenial to all, masked or not, for upon this date (3/12) it is their choice.
KEEP READING: Learning From Mistakes During the Spanish Flu
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