Five Places For Easter Brunch In Yakima + Bellini Recipe
For the past umpteen years, I have been spoiled by my friend Heather, who hosts Easter brunch at her home. Bellinis and mimosas have always been the treat at the end of the hunt!
This morning, Riggs admitted that he had no idea what a bellini was. He said it sounded like a sweet pastry treat. Well, it kinda sorta is! It is the same thing as a mimosa (champagne and orange juice) but instead, it uses Prosecco sparkling wine and peach juice. (See the above video to see how it is made.)
Meanwhile, back to my friend Heather's Easter brunch!
Heather and I have been friends for a long time here in Yakima, since long before either one of us had kids. Our Easter brunch tradition began in the mid-2000s when we met up at our mutual friend's "adult Easter egg hunt" on Yakima Avenue. (Insert bellinis and mimosas!)
Now that we both have our own kids, Heather hosts her own Easter egg hunt and brunch at her home near Franklin Park. She invites a few of her family members and a couple of us friends with kids, and since she has a "chef" gene in her body, we are always served extravagant gourmet dishes. She has served up delicious glazed ham, a variety of quiches (vegetarian and otherwise), blueberry crumble cake, baked asparagus wrapped in bacon, and the yummy list goes on and on.
Heather is moving to Madrid, though, and I am truly going to treasure all of those Easter brunch memories.
If you don't have family or friends who love to host Easter brunch at their home, here are five places you can head to in Yakima:
Posted by Quinn Dalan on Tuesday, March 22, 2016
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