Hosting Poker Night? Here are Alternatives to Cash to Bet
Every so often, a few of my friends get together to play poker. Texas hold'em specifically. As you can see, this hand isn't very good. In lieu of cash, here are a few other things you can wager to still make it competitive but to not exhaust your lunch money for the week.
Specifically, individually wrapped candy. Sure, you could use M&Ms like we used to when we were younger, but imagine all of those other hands on them, too. Germ city!
Yeah, why not. You get those coupons in the mail for buy one-get one free pizzas or free drink with the purchase of a cheeseburger. May not be a bad idea.
A 'Truth'
You remember that 'Truth or Dare' game, where if you opt for telling a truthful statement as opposed to doing a dare? If you win, you can ask anyone a question. I suppose it would work for 'dares', too.
Simple Chores
Favors are always nice. Doesn't have to be anything big, especially for a long game, but something like organizing a bookshelf might be handy.