13 of the Best Thanksgiving Day Movies You Need to Watch This Year
You know how every year, the local CBS channel plays that Charlie Brown movie tradition–A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving? Well, seeing Lucy give Charlie Brown a hard time during the football game always gives me a good giggle. She is so mean to him! That little bald-headed kid can't catch a break around Lucy!
I remember being that kid who would wake up early on Thanksgiving Day every year just to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. For some reason, watching the floats and the crowds shivering in the cold warmed my heart.
Are you one of those families that loves to sit around together and watch movies on Thanksgiving Day before or after dinner? I’m curious to know what’s on your Thanksgiving Day movie playlist this year. My favorites to watch are the sappy ones that either make me cry, laugh hysterically, or feel nostalgic.
GUESS THE MOVIE QUOTE: "Yippee-ki-yay, mother [bleep]!"
In support of my claim that movies don’t have to be 100% focused with a holiday theme throughout to be considered a holiday movie, take for example the ongoing (and sometimes contentious) debate about whether or not Die Hard is a Christmas movie.
I have never watched Die Hard before, let alone on Christmas. Yet, even I know that I should always respond with, “YES, IT IS!” if I’m ever asked the question.
In my opinion, what makes a movie perfect for Thanksgiving is whatever makes you feel good while watching it. There doesn’t have to be a Thanksgiving theme in the movie to BE a Thanksgiving movie, although it's obviously going to be the perfect day for those ones.
My mom is in her 60s, but after all these years, she still says that Pixar/Disney's Ratatouille is her favorite movie. She doesn’t celebrate Thanksgiving for religious reasons, but how much you want to bet if I asked her to watch it with me as a family on a day that happens to be Thanksgiving, she would push play in a heartbeat!
Because this family-friendly movie makes my mom feel good, I'm adding Ratatouille to my Thanksgiving Day movie watch party list.
Put These 13 Movies on Your Thanksgiving Day "Must Watch" List
Gallery Credit: Reesha Cosby
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