Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott Surprise Stormi With A Visit From ‘Trolls’
While cousin North West may be the luckiest six-year-old alive with her $65,625 Michael Jackson jacket, Stormi may be the be luckiest baby alive this Christmas with the most lavish gifts a 22-month-old could ever receive.
Parents of the celebrity baby, Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott surprised their only daughter with a visit from her favorite character, Poppy, from the Dreamworks animated film Trolls. Just after being gifted a mini-mansion from her grandmother, Kris Jenner, it was revealed the surprise visit for Stormi Webster was coordinated by her Grammy-nominated father, Travis Scott.
"We watch this four times a day!" Kylie said in her Instagram story yesterday (Dec. 24)
"Little does she know Poppy is about to surprise her," she wrote in her next Insta-story.
As an actor in a Poppy suit appears and surprises little Webster bearing gifts of Trolls merchandise, Stormi is speechless at the sight of meeting her favorite character in real life.
After a couple of more snaps on Kylie's story, Stormi screams "Poppy!" followed by jumps and some dancing around the living room with Poppy following her.
The fun continues in Kylie Jenner's backyard as Stormi and the Trolls character are seen prancing and running around the huge amount of land.
"Show Poppy your house!" Kylie tells her daughter, as Stormi frolics across the grass, towards her mini-mansion, with everyone following behind her.
The mini-mansion gifted by Kris Jenner is a replica of the same playhouse Kylie grew up with using the same wooden furniture.
Watch the full video of Kylie Jenner's 2019 Christmas Decorations Vlog that features the wholesome moment of the mini-mansion surprise by Kris Jenner to Stormi and Kylie.
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