Misheard Lyric in Christmas Song. Did You Think So, Too?
Christmas songs are one of those things you just can't avoid this time of year. Whether you're at the grocery store, watching your child's Christmas performance to humming them to yourself subconsciously, they're everywhere. One popular one is 'Up on the Housetop' that was made a little more popular by the great Gene Autry. Near the beginning of the song is a lyric I had been misunderstanding this whole time. Do you know what it is?
All of these wasted years. I had thought it was "Up on the housetop reindeer paws." As in, you can hear the paws of the reindeer on the rooftop. Now, I know, reindeer don't have paws, they have hooves, but that didn't stop me from picturing these majestic creatures with paws. If they can fly and play in reindeer games, who am I to say what they can and can't do or have.
No, it's reindeer pause because Santa needs to get out of his sleigh.
This revelation came from my buddy Trevor who has more to say than I did. He was the one who shared that knowledge with me and took me back as well.
See what Trevor had to say about it on his blog.