Sometimes You Just Have To Take A ‘Sick Day’ From Work, Even If You Don’t Want To
I am always on the go, doing multiple things at once is a daily feature of my life in many roles. For me, those roles include Mom, Employee, Board Member, Concerned Citizen, and Budding Entrepreneur. Just like the rest of the world, I take whatever good or bad things that happen in life and just let it roll off my back like water. But sometimes you just have to listen to your body tell you that you are doing WAYYYY too much, and your body will whisper in your ear: "TIME OUT"!
Here's how I knew my body needed a time out for a sick day from work, even though I knew I couldn't "afford" to:
- The first clue: I was too exhausted to even post on Facebook or Twitter. You KNOW I must not be feeling good if I don't want to be on social media; I LIVE for social media. It's one of my favorite things in the world!
- Over the weekend, I pulled a muscle in my back that I didn't even know existed. I was walking around like Lurch from the Aadams Family for three straight days!
- I had a chest cold--but no "cold". I've been coughing and hacking up phlegm for about a week and a half, but minus the runny nose. When my mouth began to hurt when I spoke, I knew it was the point to take a "TIME OUT".
- I wanted to fall down and collapse to the floor from exhaustion, stress, and grief. I've been dealing with a few personal issues and haven't allowed myself to process these painful feelings. Trying to be a "strong, independent woman" took its toll on me emotionally and physically.
If you have experienced any of these symptoms, that's your body's way of saying in a Ryan Reynold's voice, "Hey, Girl. You need to take a time out!"
If you can possibly take just ONE day to give your body the rest it truly needs, you will wake up feeling refreshed the next day and be ready to once again don that "Super Mom" cape and save the day!