Bale Breaker Brewing Company

Cheers for Bale Breaker!
Cheers for Bale Breaker!
Cheers for Bale Breaker!
Definitely one of my favorite brewing companies, our very own Bale Breaker Brewing Company, wasn't merely named one of the top 101 beers in the United States -- it placed in the top 10!
How Bale Breaker Makes Beer
How Bale Breaker Makes Beer
How Bale Breaker Makes Beer
I was recently invited to take a tour of what goes on in that barn behind the taproom at Bale Breaker Brewing in Moxee. Sure, I've peeked inside, but I didn't know the process or what all those science fiction-looking machines did. This gives you a quick look at how beer is made from the farm to your glass.