We're giving away cash every weekday to the tune of $1000 weekdays, $10,000 on Thursdays. That's a lot of money! What would you do with that kind of cash? Pay some bills, probably? Maybe put it down on a new car? Since I can't win I can only dream on what I'd do if I won $10,000. To me, it's not about the individual items, but the places I'd go to blow that kind of cash. Here are the top five places in Yakima I'd go if I just received $10,000

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    Red Lobster

    Of all places in Yakima, seriously? Yes! I get a craving for seafood every so often. To me, when I get that craving nothing else is on my mind until I fulfill my palate's desire, even if it takes weeks. Well, I've been craving Red Lobster for about 4 months now but haven't had the time, money or babysitter to get there, kick back and enjoy the food, especially those cheddar biscuits. When I do go to Red Lobster I usually order something simple but with $10,000, I'm going all out and ordering one of everything. I want an 'all-you-can-eat' shrimp but replace the shrimp with lobster.

    Flickr, voteprime
    Flickr, voteprime
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    RJ's Tire Factory

    With $10,000 I could just buy a new car. The thing is, I like the car I have now, I just need to take better care of it. At RJ's Tire Factory I can get a new set of tires, get everything checked out, fixed up, patched up, tuned up and easily put many, many more years of life into it. I'd want to get it done all at once, too. If it's something that can be cleaned out or replaced, by all means let's go for it!

    Flickr, Steve Snodgrass
    Flickr, Steve Snodgrass
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    Best Buy

    An obvious decision for me. I could use some iPads for my house, a 3D TV, maybe a desktop PC for the bedroom/study and could definitely use more video games for all my systems. Simply put, my one stop at-home entertainment shop, put it all on one receipt and call it good.

    Flickr, qnr
    Flickr, qnr
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    I wouldn't even need to come in on a Thursday. I like everything they have to offer. I love the butcher block, the bakery, the produce, I'd just grab a shopping cart or two, load up on New York steaks, those fancy cupcakes they make there and just do a ton of grocery shopping. They have a fantastic beer and wine selection so I'd load up there, too. Fancy, gourmet cheeses, which is something I'm interested in and be set with enough groceries to last a nuclear apocalypse.

    Facebook, Rosauers
    Facebook, Rosauers
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    Yakima Valley Community College

    I attended YVC for a year and a half from 2000 - 2001. Like they say, it's never too late to go back to school. I missed out on taking some classes that I would be interested in now like Public Relations and Business Management. If I went back, I'd see about getting a degree in whatever Public Relations is in. Communications or something. I was already on my way until I found a full-time job in what I was going to school for in the first place. I figured "If I'm going to school to become THIS and now I am THIS I don't need school anymore" which is mostly true. Just, I wish I had the Public Relations experience as well.

    Flickr, zoovroo
    Flickr, zoovroo

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