What’s Going On At Lion’s Park In Yakima? I Have So Many Questions
The other day on my way home, I drove past Lion's Pool, and noticed that there was a bunch of orange construction fencing where my neighborhood's playground park used to be.
I had to investigate because I am nosy AF.
I took a few pictures while my daughter rode her bike around the neighborhood and she ended up leaving her tricycle on the sidewalk slide and the "balance beam".
My friend and neighbor, Rachel, gave me THE TEA on why Lions Park is such a damn wreck!
Rachel told me that Davis High School was supposed to be taking care of the park during their reconstruction, but they had let the park fall to the wayside, and ignoring it like a Nicki Minaj clapback track.
According to Rachel, the city of Yakima took back the rights to oversee the park and that would explain why they demolished the "whale", "lighthouse" and "submarine" that was stationed at the park and looked about 60 years old. Lions Park is an eyesore, chock full of graffiti and an old water fountain that DOES 👏 NOT 👏 WORK.
All of the other local city parks have had a beautiful makeover; I cannot wait until Lions Park finally receives her due!
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