It's that time of year to start worrying about filing your taxes. This year, the IRS says we can start filing our 2019 taxes on January 27th. We have until April 15, 2020, to send them to the IRS.

**FUN FACT #1: Did you know that Alexander Hamilton created the Department of Treasury to help the newly-formed United States to pay off debts to countries that helped fund the American Revolution?**

If you have fallen behind on filing past tax years, remember that you always can file the previous three years of the filing date if you are owed a refund--without any penalties. That means you can file taxes for 2017 and 2018 and still get your full refund-even if you didn't file for an extension. (Whew!) If you are owed a tax refund but you fail to file it on time then the IRS gets to keep all your money!

If you are owed a refund and it has been three years since the 2020 filing date, (in this case, the years of 2017 and 2018), then you can mail in your refund (and any attached documents) to:
FRESNO, CA, 93888

**FUN FACT #2: Did you know that Alexander Hamilton created the very first bank in America?**

If you do, however, owe taxes to the Treasury for the years of 2018 or before, the bad news is that you will definitely get dinged with a late payment and filing penalties. (Yikes!) In that case, when you are ready to file with payment, mail in your tax forms (and any attached documents) to:
PO BOX 7704

Intuit is an online tax service that I used last year. I was extremely satisfied with them and didn't have to pay a dime!

There are usually local nonprofits and community centers that offer free tax assistance help for low-income filers. We'll be on the lookout for them and let you know when we find out when and where they will be this year.

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