Yakama Nation

The 162nd Annual Yakama Nation Commemoration Pow Wow [Video,Pictures]
The 162nd Annual Yakama Nation Commemoration Pow Wow [Video,Pictures]
The 162nd Annual Yakama Nation Commemoration Pow Wow [Video,Pictures]
The 162nd Annual Yakama Nation Treaty Days Commemoration Pow Wow took place at Whiteswan, WA. Many people came from all over the Northwest, even from Alaska. This Pow Wow commemorates the Treaty of 1855. The year the signing of the treaty took place.
Treaty Days is in full stride
Treaty Days is in full stride
Treaty Days is in full stride
The theme for Thursday's (June 8) annual Yakama Nation Treaty Days Parade was "Water is Life," and Mother Nature got the memo. There was rain, but that didn't stop people from enjoying the parade.
Yakama Nation Cultural Center 37Th Anniversary And Parade
Yakama Nation Cultural Center 37Th Anniversary And Parade
Yakama Nation Cultural Center 37Th Anniversary And Parade
This year the Yakama Nation has moved the annual Yakama Nation Treat Days Parade to Thursday June 8Th. This will also be the same day of the Cultural Centers 37Th Anniversary in Toppenish. There will be various activities and vendors for the whole family...

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