Ag News: Trade Concerns over Coronavirus
**Concerns about the coronavirus outbreak in China have led some farm groups to postpone trade missions.
Heeding the advice of market representatives in China, the California Prune Board, for example, will not take a delegation of growers to China and Hong Kong this spring to promote the product.
China's efforts to contain the public health crisis also call into question whether it will be able to meet its obligations under the Phase-One trade agreement.
**Supplies of fresh produce from Mexico will remain tight for a while, according to distributors, and f.o.b. prices will be higher than customers are used to paying.
Weather is the culprit with rain and unusually cool, sometimes freezing, temps have plagued major Mexican growing areas since late last year.
According to thepacker.com, shortages could continue after the spring harvest begins in the next few weeks, while the effect of the bad weather may be felt well into April.
**Bayer CropScience says it’s discovered a new herbicide molecule.
Bob Ryder tells agrimarketing.com, it has just advanced to phase 2 in the R&D pipeline, and it's the first new post emergent mode of action for broadleaf weed control in 30 years.
Ryder says it's so beneficial because it offers very effective post-emergent control of tough grasses including some of those grasses which have been shown to be resistant to glyphosate.
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