Like most, I'm ashamed to admit it but I'm starting to face the facts that I'm getting old and, with that, comes things I used to take for granted. One in particular is that my right wrist is losing mobility and strength. I was sent to a local clinic and what I learned in just a short time there could save you a lot of grief.

To make sure my wrist wasn't broken or I was having carpal tunnel syndrome or anything my doctor sent me to the Yakima Hand Clinic to get it checked out. After a few tests they're sure it's some brand of arthritis. I also have psoriasis so it may be psoriatic arthritis but, whatever it is, it's uncomfortable. It's mostly in my right wrist and thumb and, unfortunately, I'm right-handed.

I'd also like to quickly point out that the door to the Yakima Hand Clinic is a little hard to open for me. I'm going to assume that's just the test to see if I qualify for services.

To get it working as best I can, they had me do a few exercises that involve wrist movements kind of like lifting weights without the weights, although I think they do have small weights there. Anything to stretch out and use the wrist. Kind of like 'wrist yoga'.

My favorite, though, was something like a kid's game as seen in the photo. You have to made the ball follow the path from one side to the other moving the device to make it happen. I actually kind of want to buy one of these just to play with at home.

Once I was done with therapy for the day my wrist did feel a little better, but went back to where it was after a little while so I think just constant usage will get it flexible.

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