Help Support by Donating to Freedom Pantry for Veterans Today
From Veteran and Team member of Yakima's Freedom Pantry for Veterans
Please take a moment this Veterans Day to show our heartfelt gratitude and sincere appreciation to all of our veterans, active service members, past and present, who have ever donned the uniform of the United States armed forces for their valor, commitment, and selfless service to our country. They go through rigorous training and combat, leaving their friends and loved ones to protect our most cherished value in life — peace. Let us reaffirm our commitment to leaving no veteran behind as we pay respect to our brave heroes. We must continue supporting and caring for all the returning combat veterans who need healing from their battle wounds. Welcome them home with open arms and hearts. We must never forget that the finest kind of thankfulness we can express to our veterans is to live by them. We honor our heroes most by living our life to the fullest. "Joe Santos"
There is no time like the present to give back and helping those that have selflessly defended our country seems like the right place to start.
Thanksgiving Food Drive
The Freedom Pantry for Veterans has extended its Thanksgiving Food Drive through November 18th, 2021 but donations are always accepted.
Through November 18th you can drop your donations off at Outback Espresso located at 1212 South 80th Ave in Yakima WA, 98908 or Outback North Espresso located at 8803 Ahtanum Rd Yakima, WA 98903, and each donation that's given provides you with an entry into a basket drawing of goodies donated to the cause.
If you want more information you can follow Freedom Pantry for Veterans on Facebook or head to freedompantryforveterans.com. Thank you for your help, thank you for your service
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