Help Support Our Local Youth While They Demonstrate for Justice
If you have been wanting to support the demonstrators in our very own neighborhood I will tell you, today I found their GoFund Me.
Before you say, "they don't need anything" or "what could they possibly need?" I will tell you.
Supplies like water and snacks, as the weather gets warmer sunscreen, hats, poster supplies, masks, chalk, the list goes on.
Here is what the Gofund me says
In the past few weeks communities from Minneapolis to Seattle, from Los Angeles to Atlanta have come together to express their grief and anger at the murder of George Floyd and all that his murder symbolizes with respect to institutionalized, systemic racism in the United States. Over the past 19 days, (as of June 17, 2020) local Yakima youth have organized in response to the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, Ahmaud Arbery, Robert Fuller, Dominique Fells, Riah Milton and the thousands of Black people murdered at the hands of racism that courses through the veins of the United States.
I am all for an open line of communication between the public and the police and their consistency and peaceful raising of concern has made me so proud.
Every little bit counts and it's inspiring enough to get me back on track with my 25 push-ups for 25 days in honor of mental health. Today, I did them in honor of you!