Jobs Openings Across the Yakima Valley for the Week of March 22nd
If you're searching for a job they are out there. This list is compiled of the latest positions that I could find and will update thru the week. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated with any positions you come across and you can send them via our app

Legends Casino Hotel
You’re chance to start a career with great benefits is now available! Legends Casino Hotel is hiring for Food and Beverage, Hotel and many other departments. Go to https://legendscasino.com/ for details. Legends Casino Hotel. Welcome to fun!
Yakima County Sheriff's Office
If you've ever been interested in working as a dispatcher the Yakima County Sheriff's Office will be hosting a local test for Yakima County Law Enforcement Dispatcher positions on Thursday, April 8th 2021 with check-in beginning at 12:30 pm.
Please see event details and register here: https://www.publicsafetytesting.com/events/11027Other testing dates/locations available as well at www.publicsafetytesting.com.Be sure to add "Yakima County Sheriff's Office - Law Enforcement Dispatcher" to your list of agencies!
READ MORE: See 50 remote jobs that can pay well
READ MORE: Here are 50 ways you can improve your work from home lifestyle
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