Monopoly Is Back! Who’s In It To Win It?
Oooooh, I'm not gonna lie -- I get really excited when Monopoly season rolls in! I mean what's better than getting discounts while purchasing your items? WINNING items that I didn't even KNOW I needed! HAHA!
Now in the past, Albertsons used to run this board, but now that Safeway has taken over the stores in our Valley I have to say the board design seems way better this year. Anyone else notice that? I can actually fold it back up without stuff falling off of it. I have ALSO noticed a theme this year when it comes to freebies: LOADS of FREE GRAVY! I mean I don't know when I will use 10 packs of gravy (the number is still rising), BUT it's super comforting to know that when in fact I do need it, I got it for free. (Mental note: Start searching the internet for recipes having to do with gravy.)
Of course I want to win the major prize, but it's fun just getting rewarded for going shopping! What prizes on the board would YOU like to win AND IF you needed a game piece, what would it be? Do you know if we can trade them? #askingforafriend