Senate Finance Committee Chair Orrin Hatch and Ranking Member Ron Wyden – along with House Ways and Means Committee Chair Paul Ryan - introduced Trade Promotion Authority legislation on Thursday. Hatch expects to markup the bill next Thursday and hopes for Senate passage by the end of this month. Wyden - however - anticipates debate for weeks before TPA is considered by the full Congress. House Ag Chair Michael Conaway says trade is crucial for a growing and dynamic American agricultural sector that must maintain and increase access to the world’s consumers.

A new survey from Datamonitor Consumer shows consumers are becoming more aware of the potential negative health effects of high protein diets. Younger consumers are most likely to eat as much protein as possible - according to the survey - but they are also most likely to be concerned about the side effects of high-protein consumption - including constipation. Datamonitor Consumer senior analyst Melanie Felgate says concerned young adults will actively seek solutions to the problem - such as food and drinks high in fiber - while aligning with their protein intake goals.

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