Go Here: The St. John’s Monastery Bakery
Along the road between Toppenish and Goldendale heading over Satus Pass is this monastery that happens to have a gift shop and bakery. For years I just drove by, thinking nothing of it until "nature called" and I needed to find a pitstop. That was the day that stopping by St. John's Monastery became a tradition every time I was on that road.
When my wife and I went in, I felt bad about just using the restrooms and leaving without buying something. I love baklava, so I grabbed some of that for the road and, just because they had it, I grabbed some honey.
It was the best honey I've ever had in my life.
It tastes as good as the honey on "Winnie the Pooh" books.
The baklava was also completely excellent. They had a few Greek food samples to go as well. There was something wrapped in leaves. I don't quite remember, but it was delicious.
Now, when our family learns we're going to Portland, they give us a list of items to buy for them at this monastery. We do the same when they travel.
So next time you're taking Highway 97 over Satus Pass, I recommend stopping by and at least trying the honey and baklava. Truly excellent.
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