This Booth at the CWSF Has $2 Ice Cream Cones
This Booth at the CWSF Has $2 Ice Cream Cones
This Booth at the CWSF Has $2 Ice Cream Cones
The Central Washington State Fair is home to all of your favorite fair food. It's easy to walk around and snack all day but that can add up really quickly and, before you know it, you're heading back to the ATM. There is one booth that consistently has amazing prices for drinks, ice cream, shakes, root beer floats and even amazing breakfast sandwiches if you're there early enough...
One of the Best State Fair Exhibits Won’t Cost You a Dime
One of the Best State Fair Exhibits Won’t Cost You a Dime
One of the Best State Fair Exhibits Won’t Cost You a Dime
With the Central Washington State Fair in town, there's plenty to do and see at the fair. One of the exhibits is one that my kids enjoyed quite a bit and, best of all, it was free. Next to the giant STEAM building with the white pillars was this humble sign that just said 'Feed Live Butterflies' so we figured 'why not'...

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