I was at KFC for lunch today and the front service gal asked me "what time do you get started in the morning"? I replied that I go on air at 5:30 am which seemed to surprise her and as I sat down to eat my lunch, I noticed a new video on my cell phone.
I didn't take a new video but there it was. I closely inspected it and discovered that my phone was recording my walk to the studio as I
I'm one of those folks who thinks he's pretty clever ... most of the time.
I have to do daily postings on our radio station website as part of the new era of radio broadcasting. I actually enjoy the exercise, but occasionally I get stumped on what to write about and or what might be amusing for you to read. I thought long and hard and I couldn't think of one thing to write about it until it hit me
It's not easy being someone who regularly hooks people up with prizes and once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Sometimes people will try to take advantage of this by scoring free stuff without trying. Other times, they think we can read minds. Here are some annoying phone calls we get as radio DJs.
Call it a station break -- for about two hours.
Between 10 a.m. and noon Thursday (June 19), 107.3 KFFM will be off the air. No need for get-well cards or anything -- it's just some maintenance work on our transmitting tower.
If all goes on schedule, we'll be pumping out more of your favorite music by lunchtime...
Casey Kasem was a stable growing up here in the Yakima Valley or anywhere --- His American Top 40 still airs on KFFM with Ryan Seacrest and Casey himself stepped out of the role in 2009 after 39 years of counting down the hits.