There is a community book club here in the valley known as Yakima Valley Reads. Krystal, from one of many Yakima Valley libraries here in the valley, stopped by to encourage everyone to join this community book club. The book chosen for this annual event is The Only Woman In The Room, by Marie Benedict

This book is about a beautiful actress, Hedy Lamarr, who was popular in the 1940s. She was not only a beautiful actress, she was also very intelligent. Krystal explains more about this book in the video.

I rarely visit the library, but Krystal let me know that there are plenty of ways to get this book. You can of course read the print version of the book. Or, if you're like me and prefer using an audio format, that is also available. To join in on this community book club visit On Nov. 7, author Marie Benedict will be at the Seasons Performance Hall for a book signing and a keynote talk. Admission is free.

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