Tree Top is Hiring and Hosting a Career Fair in Selah Today!
Worksource South Central Washington has teamed up with Tree Top of Selah for a giant Career Fair today at the Selah Civics Center. Between the hours of 3 pm to 6 pm, it's your chance to interview on the spot and with your hire, you could receive a hiring bonus of anywhere between $500 to $1,000 depending on the position
Where is the Selah Civics Center?
The Selah Civics Center is located at 216 S. 1st St. in Selah, Washington with plenty of free parking and if the lot is full upon arrival the lot across the street is also available to park in.
How Old Do You Need to Be to Apply?
You must be at least 18 years of age or older to apply and be able to pass a drug screen which does include the use of marijuana.
What Positions Are Available?
- Many positions in manufacturing
- Fork Lift Drivers
- Accounting Positions
- Administration Positions
What is Tree Top?
The Tree Top cooperative was formed in 1960, in the heart of Washington’s apple country in Selah, where we remain today. Growers came together to find a way to save ugly and excess fruit– perfectly good food from going to the landfill. Over the years, thanks to our awesome employees, we’ve created some amazing fruit products from our culled fruit and we continue to innovate because the world needs healthful fruit and we believe Everyone Deserves Good Food.™
A Chance to Grow
This fantastic staple in Washington State provides employees with the chance to grow within the company so if you have ever wanted to find a stable place to work with opportunities for advancement, this is a great place to start.
READ MORE: See 50 remote jobs that can pay well
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