Washington’s Favorite Valentine’s Day Candy – Can you Guess What it is?
Valentine's Day sees no shortage of treats on store shelves. From conversation hearts to red hots and more, there's a lot to choose from. CandyStore.com listed a map that showed the favorite from each state. Can you guess what Washington state's best candy is?
Source: CandyStore.com
Turns out Washington state loves those boxes of chocolates.
From CandyStore.com:
The world’s largest building is in Everett, Washington. It’s the final assembly plant for Boeing. I wonder how much valentine’s Day candy it would take to fill that sucker up. Would 80,000 pounds of boxes of chocolates do the trick? (That’s how much the state of Washington buys). Actually, I doubt it would!
Our friends in the south prefer chocolate roses and our buddies in Idaho prefer M&M's. You can't go wrong.
What about you? Any of these surprising?
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