What Time Is The Royal Wedding In My Time Zone?
Don't lie, you know there is a small part of you that wants to catch the Royal Wedding of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry of Whales tomorrow! However if you are not IN England there could be some timing issues so I found out what time you will need to be awake in order to catch it!
Guests will begin arriving tomorrow morning at 9:30am local time Saturday May 19th, as I write this, it's about 9:30pm at night there right. Oooooooh think they both have pre-wedding jitters!? The Prince and soon to be Princess are set to wed at noon.
Pacific Northwesters hold on to your butts because we'll need to set our alarms for 4am! ouch! Luckily if you just couldn't rip yourself out of bed that early about 1pm, 6amish our time you could watch the procession set to last about a half an hour, that will air I am sure on repeat for quite some time. I get it you could watch the repeats but there is something pretty magical about watching it as it's really happening!
CLICK HERE to find the full article and find the time zone for your neck of the woods!
Approaching my seventh wedding anniversary in August I wish the couple nothing but the best and am totally excited to watch...from my bed...half awake
Lady Marjorie Pepper of Elm Street signing off!
Toodaloo :)
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