Yakima Police Break Down Non-Emergencies for All
To protect first responders during this pandemic, the Yakima Police Department is requesting that non-emergency reports be completed online. The above video breaks down how to do so.
There are a few things you cannot report online and it goes a little something like this:
- If it's a domestic violence situation (or any other life-threatening situation), you need to call 911 or the Yakima Police Department at (509) 575-6200. But any non-emergency can be reported by starting here.
- There is a 30-minute countdown timer to fill in each page. If you don't complete the page within 30 minutes, the info will be lost.
- Some fields have a red * -- you HAVE to fill out those fields or you can't continue.
- If you are reporting a fraudulent charge to any of your financial accounts, please use the incident-type identity theft link. Also, please attach a photo or file of your bank statement or other proof of the fraudulent activity. The average report should only take five to 10 minutes online. To submit an online report go to yakimapolice.org. You'll see blue buttons on the right -- just select "online reporting." When you are ready to start, scroll to the bottom of the page and select the type of incident you'd like to report. Pick the one that best describes your situation. Remember, if it is domestic violence please refer to No. 1.
- Please try to give as much info as you can. The more info police have, the better the chance they can resolve your problem.
- While filling out your forms you can tell at the top of the page where you are at. At the end, you can go back through and change or fix anything. Once finished, it will be forwarded to the Yakima Police Department Service Division and you'll receive a temporary case number via email. After it's approved, you will receive a permanent case number. If you have any questions, or if you need to add something to your report or ask a who has been assigned to your case, you can reach out to (509) 575-6200.
Be smart, stay safe and if you need something don't hesitate to get things rolling.