Finding Time Daily for Affirmations is a Vital Part of Growth
Ready for a Moment of Zen?
What a wild Friday it has been! Honestly, what a wild week. I am sure you felt a shift in energy with the total lunar eclipse and beaver full moon that rose earlier this week as well as the first snow in our area falling. Thanksgiving is right around the corner so the fever pitch of making sure the bills are paid while still having fun could be hanging in the balance.
It's Time to Take a Deep Breath With Me
Before the pandemic began panic attacks were beginning to take place in my life so I began searching for ways to relax. Loads of meditation through YouTube, yoga, eating better and exercise were all helping a bit but honestly it wasn't until my friend and I began speaking about affirmations that the mental toughness began to really stick.
What Is An Affirmation?
An affirmation is an affirming statement, positive and normally begins with I AM....repeat it as often as you need. Create some mantras for yourself and check back in because I will begin posting my daily affirmations on-air and will also work on taking this to the next level and creating a podcast that dives a bit deeper into each days thoughts and actions.
Affirmation for Friday, November 11th 2022
I Am Successful
I grabbed it from a Mindful Messages deck a co-worker gave me which read
Today is a fresh start. No matter how my day was yesterday, I can make of today whatever I want. My intention for today is _______________ (it suggests you write your intention down and tape it to the back of your door so you'll remember it every time you leave the house.
I went with success.
Always take a big deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth
I am Successful (say it x3)
If you have pure intentions you are successful. We're not going to be successful at everything but all of us have special gifts and we need to be able to share those gifts with the World. So remember, anytime that you start to doubt yourself, say, "I Am Successful" because you know what? You are!
Goosebumps and other bodily reactions, explained
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