FREE EVENT: Daniel Tiger’s ‘Be My Neighbor Day Party’ In Yakima
If your child likes or has ever liked "Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood," then jump on this party "train" to get some free tickets for the show!
What: Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood "Be My Neighbor Day Party," including a meet & greet with Daniel Tiger, photo opportunities (bring your own camera), face painting and more!
When: Wednesday, Aug. 15 from 2-6 p.m.
Where: Yakima Valley Museum, 2105 Tieton Drive.
Children are encouraged to dress up as one of their favorite Daniel Tiger characters. Reserve tickets only; You must reserve your spot via this Eventbrite.com link starting July 28! All attendees must bring a canned good for donation to Yakima-area food banks.
This event is a collaborative effort between Yakima Valley Trolleys, Yakima Schools Foundation, Yakima Area Arboretum and the WA Resource Conservation & Development Council.
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