What you doin'? (What you doin'?)
Where you at? (Where you at?)
Oh, you got plans? (You got plans?)
Don't say that (shut yo' trap)


You know whose leaving the door open? The Jet Stream. Real quick FYI we're in for some nasty weather the next few days so don't bother leaving the door open. Shut that thing and make sure it's secure.

The weather has us all outside planting and fixing the yard but Mother Nature has decided showers are needed and she's not quite ready for shorts season just yet, the temperature is about to drop.

Today we reached 66 which is pretty chilly based on the fact we have been hitting the upper 80's for the past week or so. The slight breeze on top of the dropping temperatures should have you mindful of your wardrobe for the next few days. Hope you didn't pack your sweatpants and warm blankets away just yet.

Wednesday the high according to AccuWeather will reach 63 and on Thursday we could be in for some showers with a high of 61. If you love a good cuddle in front of your fireplace or enjoy fuzzy socks and the heater on, this could be the last of our chillier weather for a few more months. Looks like upper 70's and beyond come Friday.

Snow could be hitting the mountains and Washington isn't the only place getting hit so if you plan on traveling make sure to check the reports and please drive safely!

LOOK: The most expensive weather and climate disasters in recent decades

Stacker ranked the most expensive climate disasters by the billions since 1980 by the total cost of all damages, adjusted for inflation, based on 2021 data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The list starts with Hurricane Sally, which caused $7.3 billion in damages in 2020, and ends with a devastating 2005 hurricane that caused $170 billion in damage and killed at least 1,833 people. Keep reading to discover the 50 of the most expensive climate disasters in recent decades in the U.S.

KEEP READING: Get answers to 51 of the most frequently asked weather questions...

TIPS: Here's how you can prepare for power outages

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