Raise your hand if you love apples, oranges, greens, and onions!

Wesley United Methodist Church is opening its parking lot to Northwest Harvest and will be assisting with giving-away 680 produce boxes this Friday, June 5th, 2020.

Beginning at 9 am until supplies last.

Each box is packed with local fruits like apples and oranges, fresh greens along with onions and potatoes, enough to feed a family of four.

Wesley United Methodist Church is located at 14 N. 48th Avenue in Yakima (between Tieton Drive and Summitview Ave.)

The non-profit food bank distributor has already distributed an extra 73,000 pounds of food and fresh produce into Yakima County directly through different organizations, other than food banks, since mid-March and this will be their first public drive through distribution event.

and here's the deal

There are no eligibility requirements or restrictions for the no-contact food distribution event.  People will be able to drive in to the church parking lot from N. 48th Avenue and volunteers will place the box of produce in their car and they will exit out onto W. Chestnut Avenue.

Here's what Sheri Bissel, Community Engagement Manager of Northwest Harvest has to say

We know there are a lot of families in need right now, many that have never been in this situation before.  We are happy to be able to distribute this fresh, nutritious produce and we appreciate our partners at Wesley United Methodist Church for helping us to make this happen!


These produce boxes were donated by Full Circle in North Bend through the USDA Farmers to Families Food Box Program.

No shame in your grocery game people. So masks on and if you are in need please don't hesitate.

What you could do with your box

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